HP 33C hardware emulator
- Continuous memory
- US/Euro separator setting
- Speed up to x8
- Textual display of program steps.
- Touch the display to slide RUN/PRGM switch.
Should work at any resolution (at least 600x480).
On S5 devices, long press the right hardware button to get the menu.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">惠普33C硬件仿真器
- 连续内存
- 美国/欧盟分隔设置
- 速度最高以x8
- 程序步骤文本显示。
- 触摸显示屏滑动RUN / PRGM开关。
在S5设备,长按右边的硬件按钮来获取菜单。</div> <div class="show-more-end">